CUP PROFILE: Aromas of citrus and stone fruit open up to a sweet cup of peach, caramel and maple with bright acidity and a clean finish.
ANEI is made up of approximately 30,000 Arhuacos located between the departments of Cesar and Magdalena. The 700-plus coffee-producing families are committed to increasing productivity and improving procedures to achieve the highest-quality coffee.
As of 2016, ANEI had 112 women coffee-growing members, supported 33 students with educational grants, had a comprehensive range of certified Fairtrade Organic coffees in northern Colombia.
Origin photos by Interamerican Coffee.$17.50
CUP PROFILE: Hints of chocolate sprinkles lead to a nutty base with a smooth, creamy body and clean finish in this approachable, comforting coffee.
CUP PROFLE: A blend of bittersweet chocolate and macadamia nut cookie. This bold cup is deep, dark and delicious.