WE TASTE: A bright cup with notes of raspberries, plums and cherries with a lingering chocolate finish.
COUNTRY: Ethiopia
REGION: Gedeo Zone
GROWER: Smallholder farmers organized around Worka Coffee Farmers Basic Cooperative
ELEVATION: 1800-2200masl
PROCESS: Natural
OTHER: Traceable, Single Origin
Worka is a large municipality in the Gedeb district of the Gedeo zone. Nearly all of Gedeb is known for its gifted processing climate and experienced growers. Washed and natural coffees alike from this area tend to be dense and fruit-forward, ranging from sparkling clean acidic fruits, to jammy or herbal concentrated sweetness. Worka is one the oldest and largest individual cooperatives that make up the storied Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union.
Gedeb and Its Coffee
Gedeo zone is a narrow section of Ethiopia’s southern highland plateau dense with savvy farmers, a famous terrier, and high competition for cherry. Gedeo as a whole is frequently referred to as “Yirgacheffe”, after the zone’s most famous central district. Gedeb, however, is a terroir, history, and community all its own. Coffees from this district are often the most explosive cup profiles we can see anywhere in Ethiopia. Naturals tend to have perfume-like volatiles.
Worka Cooperative and Processing
Work was established in 2006 with 210 member farms; today there are over 1,400 farmers spanning 2,500 hectares of coffee production. These are quintessential Gedeo family farms: small and forested.
Naturals at the coop are received as fresh picked cherry from member farmers throughout the day. Cherry is hand-sorted to find the ripest, most dense and consistent portions which are moved to raised beds to dry in the sun, a process that takes typically 21 days. During this time, the cherry is continuously rotated to keep airflow consistent and prevent moisture buildup between the fruit. Drying beds are covered at night to prevent humidity from settling on the coffee, as well as during the mid-day hours to prevent sunburn and uneven dehydration. When drying is fully complete, coffee is milled to remove the dried fruit husks and conditioned in local warehouses, until it is trucked north to Addis Ababa for final milling and preparation for export.
Origin photo by Royal Coffee
CUP PROFLE: A blend of bittersweet chocolate and macadamia nut cookie. This bold cup is deep, dark and delicious.
CUP PROFILE: Robust chocolate aromas lead to notes of roasted nuts and dark chocolate in this heavy bodied coffee. Our darkest roast without compromising flavor.
COUNTRY: Honduras
ELEVATION: 1,100-1,650 masl
OTHER NOTES: Single origin, traceable
CUP PROFILE: Hints of chocolate sprinkles lead to a nutty base with a smooth, creamy body and clean finish in this approachable, comforting coffee.